The Black Belt Killer Question- How to Qualify Your Prospect
Business is Defined By the Prospect
To get as much information from you as possible
To determine whether you have something that they need or want
To compare you against the incumbent and or your competition.
Get the most for the lowest price
Business is Defined by The Sales Professional
Qualifying or disqualifying the potential sales opportunity
Close the profitable sale with value and solutions
After the close up-sell and cross sell
Ask for a testimonial
Ask for a referral
You and your prospect
Are having a casual conversation an now it is time to get down to business.
Your Prospect May Lead With
So tell me about your company what do you do.
Sure I am happy to. Before we begin, I'm a little curious
You’re Killer Question
“Why would you be interested in a product/service like mine and why now?”
Now comes the long pause and you must wait for this prospect to talk.
Just sit back and listen to what they say.
P.S. The language works and has worked for me and my clients for many years.
Do not change the language or embellish it.
Make it a Great Day and Be Safe
Al Turrisi